Saturday, December 10, 2011

Beer Review: Expedition Stout

Reviewing the Expedition Stout from Bell's Brewery, Inc.
Score: 91

Fresh 2011 bottle served in a snifter glass.

Appearance: Dark brown, opaque body -- light does not cut through the beer at all. Pours a finger and a half of mocha-colored head that sticks around a while. 4/5

Smell: Rich, malty milk chocolate, some roasted coffee tones and a faint booziness aroma. The milk chocolate aroma is absolutely divine. 4.5/5

Taste: Smooth roasted chocolate, brown sugar and lots of hops Some dark fruit too. Finishes with a light note of bitter coffee in addition to the above mentioned flavors. 4/5

Mouthfeel: Full-bodied, viscous beer with minimal carbonation. The finish is savory. 4/5

Overall: A very affordable, solid Russian Imperial Stout that is widely available and easy to find when in season. The aroma of the beer is absolutely wonderful, though the flavor lacks some of the creamy milk chocolate characters that were present in the aroma and is a bit hop-heavy out of the gate. The flavor of the beer is nothing innovative, and very "average" and straight-forward for the style, but pretty delicious nonetheless. Another reliable beer from Bells that is quite drinkable.

Recommendation: A very good starter Russian Imperial Stout for casual beer drinkers. Beer geeks are implored to try this one as well.

Pairings: Steak.

Cost: $15.99 for a six pack.

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