Friday, December 9, 2011

Beer Review: 90 Minute IPA

Reviewing the 90 Minute IPA from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery.
Score: 91

12 oz tap pour in a New Belgium globe glass.

Appearance: Pours a slightly hazy, translucent dark amber color with a thin ring of foamy head around the edge of the glass. Below average lacing, but that's to be expected from a 9.0% ABV beer. 4/5

Smell: Huge citrus hops and honey. Roasted caramel malts and caramelized sugar. Mellow alcohol notes, and a touch of pine. Slightly floral. 4/5

Taste: Very balanced for an imperial IPA. Malty, bitter and smooth all at the same time. Sweet oranges hit first. The roasted caramel malts on the mid-palate. As the beer layers, honey sweetness gradually grow on the mid-palate too. Some spices and hints of leather at points. Detecting mango as well. Finishes with warming alcohol and a piney hops bitterness that really lingers. 4.5/5

Mouthfeel: Medium-full bodied, medium-high carbonation. Oily and smooth. Finish is sticky, warming and bitter. 4/5

Overall: One of the best imperial IPAs on the market. Very balanced and smooth with robust flavors. Superior to both the 60 and 120 minute IPA of Dogfish Head.

Recommendation: A great imperial IPA for beginners, though flavors are probably be a little too intense for casual beer drinkers trying their first craft brew. Hop heads and beer geeks should seek this one out!

Pairings: Spicy Thai food and hamburgers.

Cost: $2.99 for a 12 oz bottle or $5.25 for a 12 oz pour at the bar.

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