Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Beer Review: Satisfaction Jacksin

Reviewing the Satisfaction Jacksin from Ale Asylum. Yes, I spelled that right.
Score: 83

2011 bottle served in a snifter. Why a snifter? Well, the Old Fashioned apparently does not have tulip, Duvel, or Sam Adams glasses (see my Hop Whore review), and the pint glass does very little for the aroma. Rather than walk around with a hurricane glass like the bar tender insisted, I opted for a snifter so that I could at lest get some of the aromas concentrated at a single point and detect them better. Maybe that logic is flawed. Regardless, I really do not like the Old Fashioned. Clearly the picture for this beer was not one I took myself (most of my pics aren't -- unless I have a "rarer" beer).

Appearance: Pours one-half finger of creamy head (maybe this is low, as it was poured into an undersized snifter) that quickly dissipates into a thin ring around the glass. Translucent dark copper color. Below average lacing. 3/5

Smell: Very fruit. Tropical citrus hops. Lightly tart and very floral. A little apple/apple juice. Hints of booziness. 3.5/5

Taste: Heavy, earthy centennial hops hit right away. Much more earthy and less citrusy than expected. Gets a bit astringent as it layers. A little tangy. There is some brief caramel-malty sweetness on the mid-palate, but the earthy hops feels very heavy on the tongue, and that is overpowering the rest of the flavors. Beer finishes, and lingers, with earthy bitterness. 3.5/5

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, with a low amount of carbonation that makes the earthy bitterness of the beer sit heavy, rather than pop, on the tongue. Under-carbonated for an IPA, in my opinion. Finishes bone-dry and bitter. 3.5/5.

Overall: A decent, but nothing special imperial IPA. I'd drink it again, but wouldn't seek it out.

Recommendation: Casual beer drinkers probably won't like the heavy bitterness of the beer, and beer geeks can safely avoid this one without missing much.

Pairings: Earthy, grass-fed hamburgers with olive-oil fries.

Cost: $3.25 for a 12 oz at the bar, $14.99 for a six pack.

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