Score: 60
2011 vintage bottle poured into a Sam Adams glass.
Appearance: Pours a transparentish mahogany color with a finger, maybe a finger and a half of khaki colored creamy head that settles into a thin layer of head. Slightly below average lacing. 3/5
Smell: Caramel and rye. A lot of a sweet, sugary caramel. Lots of malts. A little funk -- reminds me like the aroma from my first homebrew. Very dank, earthy hops. Aroma is too sweet. 2.5/5
Taste: Very unbalanced and boozy. Heavy doses of earthy, oversweetened caramel malts hit upfront. Huge malt backbone. A giant first sip made me cringe. Has the characteristics of an overly hot, too fresh barleywine. Most of the sweetness is on the front and mid-palate. Finish is quite earthy and bitter, with some rye and spice. Refused to finish this one, and even my Steel Reserve drinking friend had to chase it with with a 312. 1.5/5
Mouthfeel: Full bodied and thick -- entirely too much so for an IPA. Low end of medium with carbonation. Bitter, lasting finish. Too bad I did not enjoy the flavor that lingered. 2/5
Overall: The bottle claims this is a "Double IPA with Rye Malt," but it's really just a hot barleywine with earthy hops.
Recommendation: Avoid this one. Casual beer drinkers may find this one undrinkable. If you must drink this beer, perhaps you should age it for awhile first.
Pairings: Gouda cheese (or the sink drain).
Cost: $11.99 for a four pack.
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