Saturday, December 3, 2011

Beer Review: Smoked Baltic Porter

Reviewing the Smoked Baltic Porter from Great Divide Brewing Company.
Score: 84

2011 bomber bottle served in a snifter glass.

Appearance: Pours a dark black that is mostly opaque with a few ruby highlights. Pours about a finger of head that mostly settles. Average lacing. 3.5/5

Smell: Roasted cocoa beans. Some creamy milk chocolate. A little smokiness too. Hints of coffee and booziness. 4/5

Taste: A dark, rich, unsweetened chocolate up front. Some smokey wood. Strange as it may sound, this beer has virtually no finish and almost no flavor on the mid-palate for the first half of the glass. The front is pretty delicious, but then...nothing. As it layers, a faint smooth unsweetened milk chocolate and coffee bean flavor on the mid-palate and in the finish becomes noticeable. Definitely a let down. 3.5/5

Mouthfeel: Light-medium bodied, minimal carbonation. A little oily. 3/5

Overall: The aroma of the beer is very interesting and enticing, and the label art was cool enough to get me to buy a bottle, but this is a very lackluster porter. I would not buy it again.

Recommendation: Worth trying, not worth seeking out. A very inoffensive, average porter at best. Casual beer drinkers might like this one as a gateway to ween them off Guinness.

Pairings: A Butterfinger candy bar.

Cost: $6.99 for a 22 oz (bomber) bottle.

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