Score: 88
Appearance: Pours a dark red-brown color with plenty of opaque-ish ruby highlights with three fingers of cream-colored head. Excellent lacing, and the head really stick around -- if not apparent by the photo (proprietary). 5/5
Smell: Piney, citrusy hops and oak/wood up front. Creamy chocolate. A little caramel and figs. Oranges/tangerines and malts. 4/5
Taste: Very sweet caramel and citrus. Hoppy with toasted maltiness. Very smooth. Bittersweet finish. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, oily and cream. Low carbonation complements the viscosity well. Dry, bitter finish. 4/5
Overall: A very solid brew, but the original version (Arrogant Bastard Ale) is better in my opinion. Double Bastard is even better. This beer is absolutely worth trying, but a six pack seems a bit much on quantity for me. I guess I have some "extras" for future BA trades.
Recommendation: I can certainly recommend this one to both beer geeks and casual beer drinkers, as the flavors are pretty solid and not overwhelming, but the "oaking" does not seem to add enough additional character/flavor to justify the (steep) price jump. I would most recommend this beer as one to add to a mix-a-six.
Pairings: Hamburger.
Cost: $19.99 for a six pack.
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