Score: 87
2011 vintage bottle with March 18 2012 freshness date served in a Sam Adams perfect pint glass.
Appearance: Pours a transparent deep red/orange copper color with a finger of soapy cream colored head that settles into a thin lace across the surface of the beer. Excellent lacing. 4/5
Smell: Lots of funky citrus, grapefruit, and earthy hops dominate the nose, though the aroma is not pungent. 4/5
Taste: Lots of zesty grapefruit, spices, and citrus hops upfront. Some pine. Sharp caramel maltiness on the mid-palate. At first, the zestiness is crisp, though there is a lingering finish of earthy bitterness and dirt. As the beer layers, however, pine and zesty grapefruit gradually grow in the finish. The maltiness also grows in the finish too as the brew layers. Honestly, this beer gets a little too malty for my taste as its layers. 3.5/5
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with high-medium carbonation. Oily on the tongue. Dry, lingering finish that is both bitter and malty. 4/5
Overall: A zestily hopped single IPA with a strong malt backbone. A very balanced brew.
Recommendation: Given its balanced hoppiness, this is a good starter IPA for casual beer drinkers. Beer geeks should enjoy this one too.
Pairings: Falafel or beef shawarma.
Cost: $9.99 for a six pack.
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